Please plan to join us on June 3 - 4, 2025, on CSI's beautiful campus in Twin Falls, Idaho.
We’re excited to gather with educators from throughout Idaho and explore ways to innovate teaching and expand learning opportunities while building relationships among and between our full-time, adjunct, and dual credit faculty. Access to high-quality learning remains as important as ever and the Teach Together conference is a great way to network with colleagues across the state to learn about disciplinary best practices and CSI assessment systems that work toward this end.
Professional development credit is available through CSI and NNU and can be used toward Idaho State Department of Education teacher re-certification. More information about registering for credit will be posted soon.
We’re looking forward to seeing you in June!
Keep checking back for speaker announcements, additional information about professional development credits, and more! Need answers ASAP? Reach out to our event planning team at for info and more.